Information About the Science of Pain

The YouTube Channel

The YouTube Channel offers training videos for professionals on the biopsychosocial model, with a particular empasis on the assessment and treatment of patients with chronic pain, and psychological evaluations to assess patients potential to respond to surgery and other medical treatments.

A Scientific Approach to the Assessment of Psychosocial Risks For Poor Outcome From Surgery and Other Medical Treatments

For above article: Presurgical Psychological Evaluation Worksheet

A Review of BHI 2 Theory and Research

Conceptualization of biospychosocial pain disorders

Assessment and treatment of chronic pain

A Review of Psychological Tests Commonly Used For Chronic Pain Assessment

Presurgical Psychological Evaluations and Cost Savings

Presurgical Psychological Evaluation Briefing Sheet for Insurers A compelling case for the need for presurgical psychological evaluations, and the cost offset it generates

BHI 2 / BBHI 2 Information

Review of BHI 2 Theory and Research